Me :)

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i love traveling, people, yoga, sleeping, and a bunch of other things! :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

gilmore girls and italian

So yes, two for two posts- first friends now gilmore girls...this is what I do when I am sick. I veg in front of the tv and watch the favorites. BUT this led me to  a revelation (a revelation that I happened upon in a friends jeep a week previous, but this really made it stick) .

Italian is the sexiest language known to mankind. Oh! How I love listening to it. Here I am sitting and watching Gilmore Girls (in English) and their crazy cat loving next door neighbor starts ranting in Italian. I have no clue what she said...although she was yelling I think it was something along the lines of "Hello, I am speaking a gorgeous language so you should just shut up and kiss me now." But maybe not. ANYWAY... I have a friend who served his mission in Italy (Italy right?!) and every time he speaks it melts my heart like a popsicle on the 4th of July. He says the most ridiculous things- something about a blue bird getting it's head chopped off it just one of the many, but it still sounds incredible.

I am now feeling the urge to move to Italy and fall madly in love and eat Gelato and authentic Italian food everyday! :) Good plan? I think so. What about you? Where do you want to move? What language speaks to you?

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