ali and the yucky blucky dentists and doctors.
does EVERYONE have these same hates?
nothing gets me more stressed than having to go to either one. let me back up a little is not the actual doctors ( i love them as people) nor is it the disinfectant smell that stays with you for days after.
i HATE shots.
deathly terrified of them. people- it is a needle going into you to inject you with who knows what. why do we let them do this?! (logical response- to keep us immune and healthy)
what do i have to do this week? yep, you guessed it. doctor AND dentist. BOTH in ONE week. shoot me now.
wishing you all a doctor and dentist-less week :) love you all!
Me :)

- Ali
- i love traveling, people, yoga, sleeping, and a bunch of other things! :)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
mormon channel
Okay, newfound love. I am absolutely obsessed. I realize that this is a little nerdy, but when you are sitting at a desk editing for eight hours every single day- there is only so much music that you can listen to. So I have started to branch out. I have thoroughly memorized each Harry Potter book, listened (and memorized) all of the music on my iPod (for those of you that know me, this is a huge feat!) and I have listened to the most recent General Conference three times all the way through, and just barely decided that I needed to come up with something else (maybe a little more worthwhile) to fill my time. So I stumbled on the Mormon Channel. I love this. It changes every single day, it brings the Spirit into my life at work every single day, and it is just the best! If you haven't heard of this, or used this.... DO IT! :) happy tuesday everyone!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
vday love :)
perfect day for the name of my blog- loves in life!
i love a lot of people, i love a lot of things and i could NEVER come close to naming everyone or everything...but there are a few things that I want to list on this day dedicated to love!
i love a lot of people, i love a lot of things and i could NEVER come close to naming everyone or everything...but there are a few things that I want to list on this day dedicated to love!
especially my hot pink ones, dry feet- happy face
i love this little tyke with all of my heart
she is my bestest friend forever
i love them with all of my heart and look up to them so much
it IS true, without a doubt
yes, i am a nerd that likes to work- and i LOVE
these girls were my rock in HS and we still keep in touch
they have been there for it all
well, mostly just everyone that works there! :)
pop your clean blanket in your dryer for 20 min...heaven
the german kind of course
and everyone i know and love there
84th WARD
love this ward- and the bishopric!(dad included)
puri, meli, kelly, etc. love these girls!
i love that i have a place to call home with people to love
as you can see i LOVE a lot of things. obviously not everything is here, but life is good and no matter who you are (or your relationship status) you can still love and be loved on valentine's day! wishing you all a happy one!
Monday, February 13, 2012
bens :)
oh how I love this little guy! :) he is the CUTEST baby ever. hands down.
whenver I am sad, I can hold this little one and everything is alright! :)
we got to babysit him on Sunday and he was laughing. SO hard. at absolutely nothing.
we had no binky for nap time, and he went right down. he is the least fussy baby ever, and he absolutely loves attention and will gladly give you a smile or laugh if you send a little love his way. best thing ever!
Monday, February 6, 2012
love and service
"Love is the measure of our faith, the inspiration for our obedience, and the true altitude of our discipleship."
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Yesterday in Relief Society we had a lesson on having pure love, serving others, and being grateful for what others do for you. There have been a lot of people who have helped to make me the person that I am today. I am so thankful to all of you, for not only telling me what I need to be doing with my life, but for SHOWING me.
One person in particular really came to mind when I was listening to this lesson... her name is Laura. She has been my next-door neighbor and best friend for almost 15 years now. She is my hero. She has been through seemingly impossible trials and has been able to overcome them. She is a fighter and she never gives up. She sacrifices so much of her time and energy serving her family and friends. Within the last week she drove her dad to the airport at 4 am, she picked up her boyfriend from the airport at midnight, she let me crash at her apartment when I was stranded in Provo, she went up to Sandy to visit a sister who is pregnant and missing her husband, and she surprised me with a spa day at Season's. Seriously?! I don't know how she has time to work part-time and go to school full-time and still spend all that time on everyone else. She is wonderwoman. :)
Who is your service hero? Why?
Friday, February 3, 2012
i hope they call me on a mission!
Dear Friends,
I am working on my mission papers! Talk about being all grown up. I cannot wait. There are so many reasons I am excited. I love traveling and I love meeting new people, I love learning and doing new things, but most of all I love this gospel and I know with all my heart that it is true. I have seen how much it has changed my life and know how happy I am because of it. In Germany I finally realized why missionary work is so so important. I had a friend there who is not LDS. She was interested, but had been given bad information by an inactive member. I was able to talk with her and give her a Book of Mormon. I came to love her, admire her and respect her and I want nothing more than to share the same happiness that I have. THAT is the reason I want to serve a mission. :) Two things- I would LOVE to hear any missionary experiences that you have had and are willing to share, also I would LOVE for you to guess where I am going. I think it is so fun to see. I am sure more posts will come on this. :)
I am working on my mission papers! Talk about being all grown up. I cannot wait. There are so many reasons I am excited. I love traveling and I love meeting new people, I love learning and doing new things, but most of all I love this gospel and I know with all my heart that it is true. I have seen how much it has changed my life and know how happy I am because of it. In Germany I finally realized why missionary work is so so important. I had a friend there who is not LDS. She was interested, but had been given bad information by an inactive member. I was able to talk with her and give her a Book of Mormon. I came to love her, admire her and respect her and I want nothing more than to share the same happiness that I have. THAT is the reason I want to serve a mission. :) Two things- I would LOVE to hear any missionary experiences that you have had and are willing to share, also I would LOVE for you to guess where I am going. I think it is so fun to see. I am sure more posts will come on this. :)
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