Me :)

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i love traveling, people, yoga, sleeping, and a bunch of other things! :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

day three

picture of my family :)

Oh how I love these people.

Macie- She is the baby of the family. Because she was born when the rest of us were mostly grown- she grew up with an adult sense of humor and wit. She is the funniest person I know. She loves sports, she loves to read, and she is incredible at sewing! I love talking to her and feeling like I am back in elementary...apparently the lady at the dentist office is not the only person who thinks I am old and not "with it" :)

Sydnee- We are super close. I love talking to her, getting her advice, and joking with her. She is total hipster and has the most communist haircut I have seen in a long time and I LOVE it.  She loves to read and is as antisocial as I am- so we spend lots of time being antisocial together.

Laura- Even though she is not a blood sister, she has been there for EVERYTHING. The good, the bad, and the ugly (me without make-up). She is my best friend. We really may as well live together for all of the time that we spend together.

Estee- I have always looked up to her. She is seriously the most perfect example. She loves everyone, she is patient, she is kind and so outgoing.

Tanner- He has really been a part of our family since they started dating in high school. I always loved having him around then, and nothing has changed. He fits in perfectly for our family- he has the funniest sense of humor (he is like a grandpa- he loves his puns).

Benson- Hello most perfect baby in the WORLD. I love him. He is funny and is just starting to show his personality. He is definitely going to be the most spoiled boy ever.

Mom- She is the epitome of service. She is always doing something for someone else. She loves others and is genuinely concerned for their physical and spiritual welfare. She is wonderful.

Dad- He is my best friend. He is patient, he loves everyone and he obeys with exactness. He has always sacrificed so much for my family- I am lucky to have him as my dad.

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