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i love traveling, people, yoga, sleeping, and a bunch of other things! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Schloss Lichtenstein

Schloss Lichtenstein- Baden Wurrtenburg, DE

Bengt calls this the midget castle. All of the doors are really little (they seemed just right to me but...) and compared to a lot of other castles it is pretty small. It was a lot of fun, we took a tour and were able to wander around inside and out.
The castle stands on a hill overlooking the village of Lichtenstein- so not only do you get to see the gorgeous castle, but you overlook a gorgeous view. I have never liked fall- until I came to Germany, and was able to see castles with fall colors all is SO worth wearing a jacket! 
This castle was built in the 1200's, but has since been destroyed twice and rebuilt. During WWII it took some attack, but again was restored. It is still owned by the Duke of Urach, who is also the founder of the University of Tubingen (which is about 5 km away from where I live).  
There is also a whole room full of armour, guns, bow and arrows, and cannons. This was Ian's favorite...and a bunch of questions ensued about how many people you could kill with what weapons, which weapons could blow up other castles, etc. - all of which Kelly, Bengt and I struggled to answer. This was a really neat castle, and I would definitely recommend going if you are ever in Southern Germany. 

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